At LIFEchurch, Jesus is our center. Our unity as a church does not only come from a shared tradition, but a shared love of Jesus and a desire to live like Him. We are a center-set church, with a clear set of beliefs that are grounded in the life of Christ. We honor all Christian expressions of the Gospel throughout church history, adopting the practices that draw us closer to Jesus. We value the traditional churches love of liturgy and sacrament. We honor the evangelical movement’s love of the Bible and salvation through Jesus. We are passionate about Social Justice both here and overseas, and thank God for the example that many churches have set in this area. We are empowered by the Charismatic expression of the Gospel, with their emphasis on the presence of the Holy Spirit and gifting over gender, calling men and women to lead together. What this means is, no matter what tradition of faith you experienced, or if this is your first Christian experience, you belong. We invite you to bring your perspective to this church family, and come ready to be challenged to learn and grow in other areas of Christian expression as we follow Jesus together.
Galatians 3:28

People are our passion
Like Jesus, People are our passion. The Biblical narrative is one of God continually desiring a relationship with the people He created. In Genesis, we see God and man together in the garden of Eden, genuinely enjoying one another’s company. God loves people, and even after we rejected God, He never gave up on us. The gift of Jesus was the ultimate gesture of love to the people He created. One of the names of God is Immanuel, which means ‘God with us’. We believe that people are the mission of God. It is our desire at LIFE to place the highest value on creating a safe place for people to encounter Jesus and grow in their faith. You matter. Your story matters. Your hopes, dreams, grief, pain and doubts matter. It is our hope that you would grasp the love God has for you in such a way that it transforms the way you live your life.
1 Thessalonians 2:17-20, John 3:16-17.
Creativity is our core
Creativity is at the heart of our church expression, influencing every aspect of LIFE. God is the ultimate creative being, and you will see people using their God-given talents in all aspects of church life.
We believe that creativity is instrumental in our corporate worship on Sunday morning and strive for excellence. We also believe that everyone is creative in some way and has something to offer in their worship to unto God. LIFEKids is centered around learning through creativity. The lessons, the games, the crafts, the camps, and our VBS program are bursting with creative ideas and expressions.
Likewise, our student ministry, Misfits is full of creative energy. We are always seeking to communicate the unchanging truth of the Gospel in new and innovative ways, including our students in the process.
Genesis 1:1, Psalm 150

Sacrifice is our
Our world is hyper individualized, and it’s easy to see a local church through the lens of consumerism. Jesus called His followers to live differently, modeling a life of sacrifice. At LIFE, we seek to live sacrificial lives by giving of our time, our money, our talents and our very selves to the work of the Kingdom of God.
We believe that a life of sacrifice not only honors God, but blesses you, your family, your church, and the community.
Proverbs 11:24-25, Matthew 6:21
Justice is our pursuit
Justice is the heart of God. God has come to bring Justice, and He has empowered us as followers of Jesus to shine the light of God into the darkest of places, for the purpose of redemption and restoration. Here at LIFE we want to make a difference locally and globally, in big and small ways. Locally we partner with Center of Hope, a Christian ministry that serves the poor in our local community through a food pantry, free medical clinic, clothing and counseling services. Together, we do a stocking drive, making sure that hundreds of families have something for their children to open on Christmas morning. Every year our congregation donates hundreds of backpacks to Fairwood Elementary, giving the students a great start to the year. Our little free pantry on the bike path is a constant hub of activity, providing shelf stable food to those in need. Globally, we provide family style orphan care for fifty at risk children in Cambodia and India through the ministry of Asia’s Hope. We lead teams every year to both countries, and we are committed to seeing each child become everything God has for them.
Micah 6:8

The Holy Spirit is our source
The Holy Spirit is the power by which we live the Christian faith. In the same way that Jesus breathed on his disciples to receive the Holy Spirit, we invite and receive the presence of the Holy Spirit both personally, and in our corporate time of worship. The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus to our hearts, convicts us of our sin, and provides spiritual gifts at His will for the common good. We believe and practice the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to us all, expecting to see people healed, set free, and ministered to in our everyday lives.
John Chapters 15 and 16, Acts 2
The Word is our center
Here at LIFE we read and interpret the Bible through the lens of Jesus and His finished work on the cross. The Bible is God's story about His creation and mankind. It shows us how we fled from God’s presence, choosing our own heart and ways above His plan. We see that even in the midst of our failure, God sent Jesus to redeem us from the sin that took control of our lives. We believe that through Jesus we are reconciled to God and the rest of creation around us, and that all humans can be restored to our original purpose here on earth. We teach and preach from the Bible every Sunday, drawing from over 2000 years of biblical interpretation to bring you a message that speaks to every aspect of your life in the 21st Century.
2 Timothy 3:16-17